privacy policy

General informations

S.A.R.L au capital de 1000 euros
502 199 672 RCS Essonne

The head office :
7 Sente des Bas Rideaux
91650 Saint-Yon

Tél: +33 (0) 6 73 57 84 77
Mail : sevservices[@]

This page describes the legal notices that apply to any user visiting this site. The legal notices may be modified at any time without notice, we urge you to consult them regularly. Any visitor of the site certifies to accept the rules governing the operation of the Site. These provisions do not relieve him of the obligations he contracts by accessing a link to a third-party page or website.

Publishing Manager

Director of the publication: Eric SEVERIN


Sev Services will not disclose to third parties any personal data about you that you may communicate to us through electronic mail. They will only be used for the purpose of responding to you as efficiently as possible.
In accordance with the “Law n ° 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, Law on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and amending Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing , files and freedoms “, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete personal data concerning you. This right can be exercised by contacting the webmaster.

Creation of the website

Via Internet Agency – Service Marketing SARL
6 rue Nicolas Charlet
75015 Paris
Tél : 01 45 78 15 94
Mail: contact[@]

Site hosting

DigitalOcean, LLC headquartered
101 Avenue of the Americas, 10ème étage
New York, NY 10013

Technical Information

The use of the site, through the use of its URL address, implies the knowledge and acceptance of the characteristics and limits of the Internet especially with regard to technical performance, response times, the absence of absolute protection against the risk of diversion and contamination by possible viruses circulating on the Internet. can not be held responsible for the malfunction of the site for a given browser. does not guarantee that its service runs without interruption or that it does not contain any computer errors.

Hypertext links

The creation of hypertext links to the site is subject to the prior agreement of the Director of Publication.

Personal data

All the data collected on the site come from the registration of the coordinates of the persons having directly communicated them to, in order to receive information or to benefit from the services and functionalities offered by the site guarantees that the information recorded on the site is treated in a strictly confidential manner.
Answers to our forms, questionnaires and inquiries are always optional.


The data that you communicate to us are necessary for the treatment of your requests for information or the sending of our newsletter. Others allow us to know you better and to meet the needs that you have expressed to us.

Right of access, modification and deletion

In accordance with the law “Informatique et Libertés” of January 6, 1978 modified, you have a right of access, rectification, deletion to your data and you can at any time request your unsubscription site. For this you just have to apply online by visiting the page Access to your personal data or by post indicating your name, first name, address. guarantees that it will only use your personal data and will eventually make it available to its partners, members or third parties only if you have agreed in advance and expressly, in accordance with the specified purposes.

Data collected during the site consultation and cookies

A cookie is a temporary file constituting a cookie storing information.
Our site may collect data on the date, the pages viewed, the consultation time, as well as the computer address of your computer, the access provider, the search engine, the link to the origin of the consultation. This collection makes it possible to improve the ergonomics of our site, to simplify your access to our site. it is in no way designed for the purpose of collecting personal data.
You can prevent this collection by disabling this feature in your browser.
You can disable cookies by following the instructions as follows:

If you use the Mozilla Firefox browser:

Choose the “tool” menu then “options”
Click on the “privacy” icon
Locate the “cookie” menu and select the options that suit you
More information on publisher support Mozilla .

If you are using the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser:

Choose the “tool” menu and then “Internet options”
Click on the “Privacy” icon
Select the desired level using the slider
More information about Microsoft Publisher Support.

If you’re using the Google Chrome browser:

Go to the menu Chrome / Preferences
Click on “Show advanced settings”
Click on “Content Settings …” in the privacy section
Click on “Cookies and site data …” in the new window
Click on “Delete all” and validate by clicking on “OK”
More information about Google publisher support.

If you are using the Safari browser:

Go to the Safari / Preferences menu
Click on “confidentiality”
In “Block cookies”, tick “Always”
More information about Apple Publisher Support.

More about cookies

To know the options offered by any other browser and how to delete cookie files stored in your device, the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL) details on this link the steps to follow to limit your traces on the web and, more generally, informs you about the mechanisms for setting cookies.

Intellectual property is the sole owner of the copyright in the content of its site Any reproduction or total or partial representation, made without the consent of constitutes a counterfeit penalized punishment. holds the rights to the logo used in this site. Any total or partial reproduction of the logo without the consent of constitutes an infringement punishable.

Liability for hyperlinks

The hypertext links implemented by towards other sites can not engage the responsibility of, which guarantees not to exert any control on the contents of these sites. could not be responsible for the contents of these sites. does not guarantee to the Net surfers the exactitude and the completeness of the information of any kind provided on the site. As a result, can not be held liable for the use of the information provided on this site.